Protect Public Space at the
Memorial Centre
On Jan. 14, despite significant public opposition, Kingston City Council voted 9-3 to develop a long-term lease that would allow a private company, Victory Grounds Ventures, to install and run a permanent fee-based 4,000-seat soccer stadium at the Memorial Centre, removing more than 40% of public space from the centre's north side. Councillors Cinanni, Tozzo, and Osanic voted against. Several councillors voiced concerns but voted in favour to gather more input. While staff have been directed to provide alternatives for the Kingston Fall Fair, it is unlikely that the fair could continue on this site if the stadium lease is granted and the barns are removed. While the Kingston Act of 1950 includes the city’s legal obligation to provide us with access to the site during the fair, we have significant concerns about the way this project is being pushed ahead.
Your voice matters now!
City Council is expected to vote on the stadium lease at its March 18 meeting, and public input deadlines are rapidly approaching. City Staff have said the number of comments is especially important. Giving input in as many ways as possible will help your voice be heard.
February Drop-Ins: Attend in person and leave Post-it comments
Wednesdays, Feb. 12, 19 and 26, 3-6 p.m., at the Memorial Centre, 303 York Street: City Staff are hosting drop-ins and collecting Post-it comments on info. boards. Post-it comments will be counted and included in the Staff Report to Council. Paper surveys will also be available
Sunday, Feb. 16, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Memorial Centre Farmers' Market: City Staff are also hosting a drop-in session.
By Feb. 28: Provide comments for the Staff Report to City Council
Online at Multi-Sport Stadium Opportunity: Submit questions and complete the survey.
By email to Send questions and comments.
By phone at 613-546-0000: Call in your questions and comments.
By drop off: Drop off questions, comments, and paper surveys at any City recreation facility.
By Canada Post: Mail questions, comments, and paper surveys to City of Kingston, Attention Communications & Public Engagement, 216 Ontario St., Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3.
To request paper surveys or report problems: Call 613-546-0000 or email
Sunday, March 2: Come to the Friends of the Kingston Memorial Centre Town Hall
2-4 p.m. at St. Luke's Church Hall, 236 Nelson Street, hosted by the Friends of the Kingston Memorial Centre and the Williamsville Community Association Turnout is key, as City Council is invited. The hope is that councillors will see how many people are deeply concerned. Please come! Please spread the word! There will be brief presentations on the Memorial Centre’s importance for residents, for the market and agriculture, for sports and recreation, and for the City.
Through March 18: Contact the Mayor and the City Council
Mayor Bryan Paterson: Call 613-546-4298 ext 1400. Email: and (including the City Clerk ensures that your message is included in the public record)
City Council and Mayor: Email for the entire Council and the Mayor: Mayor&; include the City Clerk on your emails:
For more information or to get more involved, email